Monday, June 5, 2017

Snippet: Izou Attempts to Adopt Orion and Masamune Dies.

I am literally 4 pages away from finishing volume 36 of GDW. Since we're still at a standstill with Manga Goraku issues, I'll be focusing on posting snippets and parts of the Russian Dog Arc to keep my activity up. At least until my next internship starts. I'm super nervous. D:

In the meantime, these are technically two snippets of Izou pledging to look after Orion and Masamune dying. This snippet literally takes place after the snippet I posted about Orion being scolded for attacking Masamune. WOOP.

Click the spoiler tag to read the snippet.


  1. Thanks for translation this! This was a really interesting scene for several reasons.

    Izou requesting to be Orion's guardian is sweet, I'm assuming he means guardian only for this journey Orion seems to be going on? I do hope Weed has some good moments with his children somewhere in this series though, that's the only awkward aspect about it.

    Man, I've always loved how Masamune is drawn here, even if the rest of the art got a bit sloppy towards the end, he always looked so beautifully detailed. A satisfying death on his own terms for such a villain. I do wonder if he really would have survived otherwise, because leaving him to suffer does seem cruel on the Ouu army's part, not that he didn't deserve it or anything.
    And so, he was seven years old. I guess I'm not surprised, but from the flashbacks with Yamabiko, I would have thought he was younger, he looked like a teenager there to me.

    Finally that was a nice gesture by Sirius for Yamabiko.

    Ha, I had quite a lot to say for this snippet.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that leaving Masamune half dead is crueler than putting him out of his misery. So in this case, I'm glad Masamune took himself out how he did.
