Monday, July 9, 2018

The Last Wars: Chapter 142

Thanks again to FDQ for providing me with chapter 142 of TLW!

Click the spoiler tag to read the chapter


  1. Hello Fanta! I sincerely appreciate the commitment and effort you put on publishing these translations of the GNG series for the whole community to look up to. I'm new to it and I've just recently started reading the first part. I wanted to ask you if, other than the Last Wars volumes, you've already published Ginga Densetsu Weed Orion ones. It's the only one I can't find online. I'll impatiently wait for your response!

    1. Someone else is working on Ginga Densetsu Orion. You can find them here on Gingaboard if you have an account:

    2. Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for telling me about that. I'll make an account as soon as I can!
