Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Ginga Densetsu Noah: Chapter 52

Thanks again to vanille for this chapter.

Click the spoiler tag to read the chapter


  1. Wow Rigel is really half and half of both of his brothers, but i can see a bit more of Sirius in him. Sirius was more desperate andd pushy when trying to reason with the enemy but it seems rigel os trying to balance it out on hos own. I wa honestly hoping rigel would be the next supreme leader, or at least a leader of his own big group. The othere een listening to him for a while now.

  2. I love Rigel. The only good boy in this stupid series anymore.

  3. I like Orion the most and would like to see him more. He is as strong as his grandgrandfather Riki or even stronger. I doubt any dog is as strong as him. These three huge dogs wouldnt stand a chance against orions battouga..
