Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Last Wars: Chapter 122

Here is chapter 122 of TLW. Some of the original pages have been cut off, so I had to improvise on a few of them.

Click the spoiler tag to read the chapter


  1. We’ve only seen this bear cub for two chapters, but if anything happens to him, I’ll fly my ass up to Japan myself.

  2. Sirius attacked Rigel rather than talking to him. Not really what Sirius would normaly do.

  3. Damn Sirius calm the fuck down. And monsoon slow your roll before you mess yourself up.

  4. Haha! Sirius is so done with everything and everyone! XD
    But I can't stop loving how cute Zion is! He keeps closing his eyes and makes cute noises every time he is scared!

  5. gracias, desde chile te agradezco!!!!!
