Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Last Wars: Chapter 127

What?! Another chapter within 24 hours?! Well, at least we're caught up now until Friday.

After some careful consideration, I'd like to change "Secret Arts of the Kibanin" to "Secret Arts of Ganin." I think it makes more sense, time-period wise.

I'm too tired and busy to make any changes in the last chapters, so bear with me until then.

Click the spoiler tag to read the chapter.


  1. Kyoshiro first got defeated by Orion and now by Rigel.

  2. Are we supposed to like Orion at this point? I’m waiting for him to die.

  3. Orion is so gross.. if he attacks Chibi, Rigel will definitely try to protect the cub. I hope everyone gets out of this alright.. except Orion, he can just stick that bamboo in his ass and go to hell! XD

  4. I respect Sirius wishes, and damn Orion! I know you're out for blood and revenge but you don't have to let your anger out on a little cub! This will not end we'll for little Chibi.
