Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Ginga Densetsu Noah: Chapter 5

Credit goes to blivery for this chapter.

I would have gotten it out sooner, but work has been getting heavy at a point when it usually get's light.

Click the spoiler tag to read the chapter


  1. I immediately thought it was hyena when i saw him, might be interesting where this thing is heading. Also i really hope they talk about the bear chibi they had.

    Oh and i got to say Fanta, you don't enough credit for providing all these translations, thank you so much for them!

  2. I'm glad Orion seems to have calmed down quite a bit and is genuinely reflecting and being burdening by his horrific attitude during the fight with the bears. Hopefully I'll appreciate his character again if he actually learns from his mistakes. Also, I don't know why, but I'm so happy to see Hyena again.

    ... I also miss Sirius more than I thought I would.

  3. Also, what's with Orion and jumping off of cliffs into the river to vent his emotions?

  4. Orion suffers from a severe case of l'appel du vide it seems like.
