Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Ginga Densetsu Noah: Chapter 53

Thanks to vanille for this chapter.

Click the spoiler tag to read the chapter


  1. That took a lot og guts to remove a rib like that, weed. So now we know what kind of dogs those big guys are.

  2. "Lord Weed, how can we help your ribs heal?!"
    "...I know! Rip it out! That'll solve the problem!"
    Yoshi... are you even thinking anymore?

  3. I cracked three and half my lower ribs by crashing with a 900 kg bull.

    If the lungs are ok and nothing is sticking out, the ribs should heal fully by themselves in 2-3 weeks. Dogs ribs can heal in about 4 weeks if they rest properly.

    With meds/herbs pain will usually go away in few hours. Walking and working is possible. Still activities like running, jumping, laughing and deep breathing hurt like hell.

    For a dog one single lost rib can cause loss of muscle mass, decrease lung capacity and make waist slimmer. =that means no Battouga.

    Removing a rib is very risky operation, but he's WEED.

    You know how hard is to kill WEEDS! XD

  4. Thanks a lot for translating Ginga!

  5. Is there a place i can finish up ginga densetsu weed joes ark

    1. It's not completed, but there's something on Ginga Board. Look through the older posts, one of them is a translation thread that keeps being updated.
