Saturday, December 19, 2020

Ginga Densetsu Noah: Chapter 70

Thanks to vanille for this chapter.

Click the spoiler tag to read the chapter


  1. poor orion. he was probably thinking of sirius when they found out about tama. he hasn't really had time to work out the grief and trauma of TLW all that much.

  2. These fallen meteors sound like a bad omen waiting to happen.🤔 guess we'll see what it means. I do have a little haunch tho....

  3. Nobody else noticed they forgot about Koyuki and bella?

    1. Perhaps that is intentional. Maybe one of them will notice at an inconvenient moment and saving them will become a story ark--or they will die and their deaths would be a pivotal point in the plot. Bella was featured in a chapter cover only two or three chapters ago, disproving the notion of her just being forgotten by Yoshi.

    2. Hopefully they done die That would be way to much unneccery death

  4. very strange though, they did not mention bellatrix?
