Sunday, August 23, 2020

Ginga Densetsu Noah: Chapter 55

Thanks to vanille for this chapter.

Click the spoiler tag to read the chapter


  1. Hmm rigel is up to something. Looking forward in the outrage his brother will feel once he gets there with them and a scolding from weed

  2. Surrendering to enemy would be a good idea if:

    A) Rigel is talking bullshit luring the enemy to believe him and betrays them later. These three have more brawl than brains.

    B) Meteor/tsunami/ volcanic eruption will destroy/reset paradise
    Ohu soldiers warn humans about incoming natural disaster and flee.

    C) Chibi has grown to size equal to Akakabuto or even bigger and joins Ohu to fight invaders.

  3. Rigel: I promise u we will surrender paradise
    Weed:Rigel WHAT IN THE FUCK
