Saturday, August 29, 2020

Ginga Densetsu Noah: Chapter 56

Thanks to vanille for this chapter.

Click the spoiler tag to read the chapter


  1. "I ought to rip you to shreds just for whining like that."

    I think Weed said that just because he's in pain and about to lose paradise (temporarily)

    But I'm not surprised even if he did because he treatened to exile/ disown Orion too.

    That dog is fit to be a leader, but not a father. He's too proud and cruel to his own kin.
    It would be interesting if Rigel or Orion decided to beat some sense into him and take the lead.

    Honor has no place in survival.

    Thanks for the new chapter.

  2. Cant wait for orion to show how he is the world's strongest dog

  3. And now they're all f*cked. Orion is here and we all know how he operates in this pack. He already showed his brute strengh with that first big dog and threw his ass off a clift without breaking a sweat. Cant ait to see how he'll shred these guys now.

  4. Theme for Orion showing up:
